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96% Giao đúng hạn
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☀  Welcome to my  Store
☀Our store products include mobile phone accessories, computer accessories and more 3C electronic products!
☀Here, we provide good service and products for all our customers
☀All the items in our inventory are in stock and the price is the best,will be send out within 48 hours
☀ Shipping time is about 5-12 days(Holidays will be delayed.)
☀ If u like our product,please help me click 5 star product
☀ Thanks for supporting our store and wish you have a nice day
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  • Dưới 100K
  • 100K-200K
  • 200K-500K
  • 500k - 1Tr
  • 1-5Tr
  • 5-10Tr
  • Trên 10TR
  • Giảm 10%-25%
  • 25%-50%
  • 50%-75%
  • 75%++


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